Aduki Bean Salad

I love beans! They’re high in protein and fiber, while low in fat. Typically mild in flavor, they can take on the flavors of herbs, spices, and other foods well. Beans always add heartiness to a dish and can make meat expendable.

While my husband talks the talk about eating a healthier diet (less refined carbs, fried foods, etc.) he doesn’t always walk the walk. So I’ve been challenging myself to create healthy recipes that he’ll also eat.

Lately, I’ve been extra busy with work and other projects so having enough time in the kitchen has been somewhat of an obstacle. Instead of soaking and cooking my legumes from their dried state, I’ve been stocking up on canned beans from Eden Foods. To my knowledge, they are still the only producer of legumes who does not line their cans with BPA (when are the other guys gonna get hip to the game?!?). Just as a side note, Eden has so many varieties from common ones like black, lima, and kidney to slightly more exotic and hard to find like butter and aduki beans. Can you tell that I’m a huge fan?

Anyway, I decided to play around with aduki beans last week. They’re small and brown with virtually no flavor of their own, making them perfect for this yummy salad. You can also use other beans instead of aduki beans (black would be a great choice). In my house I’ve served it with both chicken breast and grilled steak to rave reviews!



2 15 ounce cans aduki beans

1/3 cup yellow bell pepper

1/3 cup red bell pepper

1/3 cup orange bell pepper

1/2 cup finely chopped red onion

2 ounces feta cheese, crumbled (optional)

1 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons granulated garlic

1 tablespoon black pepper

1/2 tablespoon sea salt

Drain beans and put into a non-reactive (no metal) bowl. Add bell pepper and onion. In a separate bowl, combine olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, black pepper, and salt. Whisk to mix well. Pour this dressing over the beans and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for an hour to chill. Sprinkle feta over individual servings as they’re plated.

Yield = 8 servings


Nutritional Information (per serving, all ingredients)

Calories: 203
Fat: 10
Saturated Fat: 2.7 g
Sodium: 523 mg
Total Carbs: 19.9 g
Fiber: 5.7 g
Sugar: 0.8 g
Protein: 9.3 g
Vitamin A: 7%
Calcium: 8%
Vitamin C: 41%
Iron: 9%


Nnamdi’s Baby Box: Closet Dividers

Everyone loves to buy cute outfits for Baby before and after their arrival. Between new clothes and hand-me-downs from friends and family, most parents are lucky to not have to buy much in the way of clothing for several months.

However, one problem that often arises is keeping the little one’s digs organized. Babies grow so fast, they can shoot through sizes before you know it.

With the help of these nifty little dividers, Kwame was able to wear everything we purchased and were given well before he was too big for them. I always wash new clothes (especially his) before they’re worn and dividers made it easy to look ahead to larger items, remove tags, and get them washed and ready to be worn in advance of Kwame needing them.

They can be a tad challenging to get onto the bar, but doing so slowly and carefully will keep frustration at bay.

Green Onion Sauce

I made this Green Onion Sauce a couple of months ago on a whim and it turned out fabulously! Two nights ago, I marinated some chicken tenderloins with a little seasoned salt, garlic powder, black pepper, and lemon juice, browned them, then served them drizzled with Green Onion Sauce. Luckily I wasn’t too tired after cooking (as I frequently am) and took some pics for you.

Since there was leftover sauce, I had it a top grilled skirt steak. Both meals were delicious. Think it’d also taste good on just about anything! I’m going to try it on broiled tilapia and veggie kebabs.



1 1/2 cups chopped green onion (white and light green parts only)

1/4 cup finely chopped parsley

3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

1 egg

1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed

1 tablespoon yellow mustard

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 pinch each of cayenne pepper, thyme, and paprika



Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Please keep refrigerated!

Warning: This recipe contains raw eggs.



Nnamdi’s Baby Box: Nosefrida Snotsucker

My boy has always had industrial strength boogers, so bulb aspirators never fully did the trick. My stepmom taught me this delightful little trick of sucking snot out with my mouth, but there were a few problems with that. First, it was gross because I’d end up with a mouthful of mucus and second it was a little crazy to do in public.
I knew there had to be a better way.
I discovered the Swedish-made Nosefrida Snotsucker aspirator and though it seemed a little pricey at $15, I’d already gone through about three of the $2 bulb types so decided it was worth it.
My life (and morning kid grooming routine) has never been the same.
The way it works is there’s a little “capture container” that’s like a vacuum hose attachment. At the end of that container there’s a tube and mouthpiece. Take a deep breath and suck in steadily from the mouthpiece to create the suction necessary to remove the boogies. Between the tube and container there’s a sponge filter to keep the “solids” from getting into your mouth.
It’s simple, effective, and aside from your kid trying to fight you for cleaning their nose (which you’re likely to have to deal with anyway), it’s easy. The contraption comes with four filters and a 20-count pack of replacement filters is sold separately for about $4.
I LOVE this product and really think every family should have one.

Anniversary Reflections

On Monday, my husband  Kwabena and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. In the couple of weeks before and couple of days after, I’ve been putting a lot of thought into what I want the next 4, and 14, and 44 years of marriage and family life to look like.

I definitely want to stay active with Kwab over a lifetime. I want us to be fit. I want to enjoy our kids and grandkids and be sprite. I’d like to avoid some of the ailments that many deem to be just part of getting old including debilitating arthritis, immobility, obesity, dementia, heart trouble, etc. Some things are hereditary, but one does not have to succumb to genetics without a fight! There are always things that can be done to combat them. I don’t want to be a drain on Medicare. It’s not fair to ask future generations, within my family and in the general public, to bear the brunt of my poor health and lifestyle decisions.

I don’t want to be a financial burden on my children. Yes, I would have carried the load for raising them but it was MY decision to give life to them, not their decision to be born. Parents sometimes forget that. They shouldn’t be obligated to take care of me. I’d like to think that they wouldn’t hesitate to do so if called upon, but to FORCE them to take on that responsibility is foul. Therefore it’s imperative that I continue to develop and build upon a plan to be financially independent for the next 70 years. My husband’s grandmother lived past 100 and my great grandfather is in his 90s. If we continue to take care of ourselves, we need to plan as if we’re going to live til 100.

I want to see the world. To be perfectly honest, I think America is in decline. This is not an opinion about the American populace, but more about the direction of the country based the way our political system functions (or doesn’t) and income distribution in the nation. We’ll never give up our formal citizenship, but want to be citizens on the world. More importantly, I want my children to be citizens of the world and to know multiple languages like my stepfather and many people outside of the States do. I want to experience different places, large and small, remote and easily accessible. I want to bring goodness and positivity where I go. We already have plans to create income streams outside of the US, the first of which should be fully operational in the next couple of years but our hopes are to expand upon that.

I want to continue to laugh with my husband. From the beginning we’ve gonna our kicks from making each other laugh. I’m talking belly laughing. ROTFL.  We’re silly and goofy and crazy and it’s a blast. I don’t know whether it’s nature or nurture or both but now that Kwame’s able to interact with us, it seems like he enjoys making us laugh as well. Laughing together, as a couple and as a family, is one of my greatest joys and comforts.

Most of all, I want to keep growing with Kwab. Just like with a healthy garden, growth requires nourishment, planning, maintenance, weeding, space and love. We continue to have our core passions, but our interests overlap more and more as we educate each other and stay open-minded. He recognizes the voices  and finds funny the corny jokes of my favorite NPR journalists, while I can recognize articles, information and publications that are important and relevant to his career and professional interests.

The honeymoon stage is over, but life with him keeps getting sweeter and richer. I love him more every day. A mantra that I’ve always kept with me and has guided me is that a healthy marriage is built on the endless reciprocation of love, kindness, affection, empathy, patience, and understanding. This is how it always should be, I suppose but divorce and infidelity rates prove that this is not always so.

I’m just really grateful that I have have an abundance of love and positivity in my marriage and wish the same for others. Here’s to many more years of happiness!

Engaged; visiting Ghana in 2007

Engaged; visiting Ghana in 2007

Engaged; visiting Florida in 2008.

Sealing the deal with a kiss after getting married at the courthouse in San Diego; July 16, 2008.

Enjoying our change of family dynamics with a new family member; Spring 2011.

Hanging out this year on our 4th anniversary.

Nnamdi’s Baby Box

One of my very best friends, Chinonye, is having her first child in a few weeks and I am so excited for her and her husband Victor. I’ve known Chi since high school and we went to Florida State together, so seeing her pregnant a couple of weeks ago was a little weird but way awesome!
My baby shower gift was my and Kwame’s presence at the Florida event. I mean, we do live in California. But of course, I have to send her something else. So in a few days, I’m mailing off a baby box to her with some of my favorite items. Some are specifically eco-friendly items for a healthy, happy baby and others are just high performers for a happy mom (and dad)!
I’ve spent countless hours researching products for my son and am quite a tough customer. Everything I’m sending her are products that I used or am currently using have been extremely impressed by. I don’t have working relationships with any of these companies and have not been compensated by them. I’ve purchased these items, for myself and for Chi, with my own money. All statements are my own opinions based on personal experience. Stay tuned for my reviews.

I Thought I Was Going To Die Today

I know, that’s a dramatic title but it’s true.

I got into a terrible car accident today that I didn’t cause. I had no idea it was coming. No reason to believe that I wasn’t about to go to go about my own little plans. Actually, in my mind, I had a pretty important meeting set up later and had just run a super important errand. I was feeling calm, productive, happy, and optimistic.

You know how people say before they think they’re going to die, their life flashes before their eyes?  Well, mine didn’t, but it is amazing how many thoughts you can have in such a small span of time when your mind, body, and soul thinks that’s all that’s left.

My thoughts went something like, ‘Crap, I’m about to miss this meeting.’ … ‘I hope Kwab calls the spa this afternoon to tell them to get coverage for me.’ … ‘God, I’m gonna be laid up in the hospital.’ … ‘I hope I don’t die.’

The other driver took a swift left turn into a retail plaza across the oncoming/opposing traffic I was in and hit the driver’s side of my car. He didn’t see me and I didn’t see him. Had I been going a little bit faster, he would have hit the driver’s side door and my body on the other side of it. If either of us knew what was coming, I’m sure we would have done what we could to avoid the ugly , no matter who was at fault. But I guess that’s the funny thing about life: you just don’t know how things are going to go.

I was shown so much exceptional kindness from many I encountered today: the branch manager at a local financial center near the accident site, law enforcement officers, tow truck company staff (driver, admin, management, and others), insurance company claims rep and adjuster, rental car company rep…   Not just decency, but I’m talking real kindness and genuine concern. The branch manager actually offered to drive me to my meeting once he knew I wasn’t hurt so I wouldn’t miss the opportunity.

I encountered the loving embrace and the rejoicing of my life and safety from those that I know like the owner of my favorite local restaurant, the founders of Kwame’s school, and those in my husband’s work family. All of this I am grateful for.

In the milliseconds before impact, I just KNEW I was going to be rushed to the hospital or worse. But here I am, sitting in front of my computer with no more than an achy wrist and some residual shock (at this juncture). I may never see my car again, but I have seen my child and my husband. And I know better now than ever before that this is all that matters: not the meeting, the job, the lack of income, or the hospital bills.

I’m writing this post partly because I’m traumatized and partly because my thoughts and feelings are too complex to express in truncated form for most social media platforms. But mostly, this is to serve as a reminder, to myself and to you, to recognize that you don’t have as much control as you think and that one NEEDS to keep top of mind what’s really important in life. Imagine how pitiful it would have been if I had died and the stupidity I was thinking about were indeed my last thoughts.

Yesterday I knew that today was going to be awesome but I had no idea how full and worthy of awe it was truly going to be.

Time out for a Timeout

It’s been way too long since I’ve blogged. And though I regret not posting regularly, I don’t regret taking the time out for a timeout. It actually started when my colleague went on maternity leave and I began covering her shifts. That meant I was working 6-7 days a week, some of those days being 12 hour shifts. With a 35-minute commute each way, to say I was exhausted when I got home was an understatement. Blogging, social media, or even getting on the phone, or returning emails was the last thing on my mind. I mean, I stopped logging on to Facebook for weeks, which for me is a big effing deal.

After doing this for the better part of 3 months, I was burnt out. And my toddler son, Kwame was mad at me. He was always calling for Daddy, didn’t run to greet me when I got home or picked him up from school, and didn’t really smile and laugh with me anymore. Heartbreak on top of fatigue.

One of my best friends is having a baby soon and she made me promise months before that I’d attend her shower. In fact, she scheduled it for the second weekend in June instead of the first because I told he I was covering for said colleague and would surely not be able to make it. I took that commitment to make it to Florida for the event and turned it into a vacation and a mental, emotional, and physical reset.

I got to see family and friends, and since the hubster stayed in Cali it was a great opportunity for Kwame and I to reconnect. Grandpa and Nana got to see their grandson. Kwame got to interact with his great and great-great grandfathers once again. I got to get some real face time in with a couple of my sisterfriends. I slept in. I went to Disneyworld. Spent high quality time with my sibs. It was just what I needed to regroup.

When I got back, in addition to not having my co-workers hours (she gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy, by the way), I gave up two of my three weekday shifts which were afternoon/evening hours. I kept the one with morning/afternoon hours. I remember that my son will only be a child once and the time flies. I had to make a way to spend more time with him, even if that meant sacrificing income.

Vacation also helped me refocus on the bigger picture: moving to the next stage in my life. This will happen once my husband finishes his exams and becomes a licensed architect. That will happen when he has consistent, quality time to study. Reason #2 to cut back my hours.

Now I have time for life’s awesomeness like spending more time with Kwame, working towards other personal and professional goals/credentials (more on that later), keeping in touch with family and friends, and blogging!

I’m BAAAACK!!!!  xoxo

Homemade Green Beans

I’m a big fan of vegetables, but not so much of the ones out of a can. Canned vegetables not only have a ton of added sodium, but the cans they’re packaged in are lined with the toxin BPA. Frozen veggies are a great option, especially in winter months when fresh ones aren’t as available or when time is scarce. When it’s at all possible, I try to go the fresh route. Luckily for me (and my dinner guests) I live in southern California and had access to fresh green beans for the Christmas feast I prepared. If I say so myself, they were pretty delicious. So yummy that I was invited to share the recipe with you. I hope you enjoy!

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3 pounds fresh green beans

1 tablespoon garlic powder or granulated garlic

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 cup finely chopped white onion

water to cover green bean (about 6 cups)

* * * 


In a large pot, bring water, olive oil, garlic, salt, and onions to a boil. Add green beans and return to a boil. Cover and simmer until the beans have reached the desired level of tenderness. For a crunchier texture, cook for 45 minutes. For a more tender green bean, cook for closer to 90 minutes.

Homemade Chili Mix

Here’s a homemade chili mix I crafted because I found the cheap ones lacking, and didn’t want to shell out anything significant to be disappointed yet again. It’s way better than anything I’ve found in the stores to date. It has amazing flavor and I know you’ll love it as much as I do.

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2 tablespoons paprika

3 tablespoons cumin

1 tablespoon oregano

2 tablespoons granulated garlic or garlic powder

1 tablespoon salt

2 tablespoons chili powder (plain powder, not pre-packaged mix)

1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper

Mix all spices and replace your usual chili seasoning!